Whadda you lookin' at? Burd's hangin' on the stoop of his Brooklyn pad today with Franklin Frankel-the MIA Parrot, Paulie the Sailor Burd and his Favorite Blogger of All Time.... Upper Beast Side...(aka Michelle Collins). Nobody messes with Burd and his gang...they're hardcore! (and seriously, check out Upper Beast Side and Franklin here - http://www.bestweekever.tv/2007/11/29/in-odder-news-hey-im-squawkin-ovah-here/ Dooo eet!)
When Burd got into work yesterday, he found out his computer developed a virus!!! Oh noes! He decided he better protect his office and himself! A lots happened since you died, Burd! You don't need to cover your office in aluminum foil anymore! Yea! Oh, Mr. Pop Up Ad? Burd thanks you, but he doesn't need any Penis Enlargement stuff....uh, thanks though!
Turn off the lights!! Poor Dead Burd! He's laid up today with a migraine! Good thing ZuZu's there to keep him supplied with Excedrin Migraine! Be careful you don't OD on that stuff, Burd! Although, what's the worse that could happen???
Burd had the craziest holiday weekend! Here's a snapshot of him just chillin' with his friend Salvador... That wacky guy! Zuzu jumped in on the action too! (Literally)
What...you didn't think they'd eat Turkey, did you?!? Gross! That'd be like cannibalism! Burd is thankful for his great freinds...Zuzu (of course), Mr. Gobbles, Mr. Gizzards, and Miss Giblets! Oh, and as he bows his head in prayer, he thanks the gods for the other other white meat....cabbage patch kid! (relax - it's organic...and free range, too!)
Burd loves nothing more then Zenning out in Yoga class! Hey, just because you're dead, doesn't mean you should neglect your Chi (or your figure for that matter!).... Namaste, Burd...Namaste!
Here's our hero slaving away for "The Man"... He's such a hard worker! Watch out Burd! I think I hear the boss coming! Better hide that gossip website!
Here's our hero on a T.A.P.S. investigation! Burd decided if you can't beat em, ghost hunt em! Check your EMF detector, Burd! There are Orbs everywhere!!! AAAGHH! Scary Ghosts!
So seeing as how the Wizard of Oz was no help, Burd decided to see if Hogwart's Headmaster could help... Don't get excited, Burd! I have a feeling even Dumbledore can't bring you back to life! (And don't even bother asking that dude behind him...That's just Dumbledore's boyfriend! He's not even a real Wizzard-he just likes dressing up!)
Great...So even though the Tin Man gets a heart, the stupid Lion some courage, a brain for the empty headed Scarecrow.... The Wizard told Burd that there's no way he can bring him back to life....SHUT-Ever! Burdz gonna go find another Wizard...But he's keeping the Ruby Slippers...
Oh Burd.... Our little Burd has become the latest Celebutard to fall prey to a DU-...this time it's a D.U.D.- Driving Under Deadness...Silly Burd! You're famous now! You can totally afford a driver!
Where our hero makes a comeback.... We'd like to blame his lame ass dance moves and lack of energy on the fact that he's dead, but we really just think he's lazy and had one too many Frappuccinos ....we're just sayin'....
Did you know Burd was so athletic? He's been playing with the LA Kings for AGES! He's thisclose to the Great One, too! Total BFF's! Anyhoo, here's Burd...smoking the Ducks tonight in Anaheim! Heh heh...smoked Duck...YUM! Watch out for that Zamboni, Burd!
Yea!!! Burd and his friends played hookey today and went to Disneyland!!! Uh oh! Be careful Zuzu! You don't want to end up dead like Burd! And Goose... Permanecer sentados por favor!!!!
A cocky and arrogant pilot, Burd always has his wingman's back.... Here we see him and Goose discussing the time they were in a 4g inverted dive with a MiG28... Happy Veteran's Day!
Our hero journeys far and wide in the hopes of promoting peace in the world...Today we find him with a Legend..... Hey, Burd! I didn't know you were a Monk! Fabulous!
Burd went in for his Avian Flu Shot today! Good Burd! And don't worry about the needle, silly! You won't feel a thing! Especially since you're dead! Though lacking a bedside manner, Burd's doctor has excellent taste in nursing staff...
Here's our Burd...back from a night on the town! Poor Burdz head is spinning though...Too much champagne, Burd!?!? And who's this?!? Why, our Burd has made a friend! This is his cat friend, Zuzu, who's not dead by the way...And Burd doesn't have to worry about Zuzu eating him alive, because he's already dead! Though she could eat him dead, but Zuzu's a vegetarian...
Today finds our (dead-yes, but sexy) hero with his new wingman, Mystery! These douchebags will romance their way into their "target's" heart by "escalating Kino" and knowing when to "bounce"... I think it's time you go Solo, Burd....
Today we find Burd at his favorite festival.... Burd's a total Burner! He's been practicing his fire dancing for months! Be careful Burd! Fire's dangerous! You don't want to get hurt or killed, do you??? Oh wait.....
I'm a Southern California Girl at heart, though I've been living in Santa Cruz, (Northern) California for the past year and a half. I have been a Stay at Home Mom for 3.5 years, taking care of my little boy while my husband toils away in the rat race! He's been out of work and recently accepted a job in Atlanta, Georgia. I created this blog to keep in touch with my family, and really, to vent my fears and excitement for this coming adventure!!!!